May 7, 2013


There aren't many instances where I find myself looking up to toddlers. Although there are some rare instances where I feel that they might just have it better than I did when I was their age / do.

Chloe Clancy is only one of the examples I have. (The other that comes fresh to mind is of course Aila Wang, quite possibly one of the most well dressed toddlers out there). Who is Chloe Clancy? She is the daughter or Christopher and Kelly Clancy - proud managers of the Odd Future crew. Since discovering this bad ass, I am totally in love with her. She is both adorable and super cool with a fashion sense to match her environment and cultural prowess. When not hanging out with some of hip hop's best new talent, she spends her day helping out her parents help manage and promote aforementioned talented crew. Gurllllll you got it good.

I wonder if she needs a baby sitter. Where can I submit my interest?

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