Sometimes you just have that feeling to create or DIY. I have a similar itch when it comes to thrifting too. After a short absence I need to bust out my hot glue gun and get creating! So this little DIY DECEMBER Inspiration is perfect for those crafty moments.
I am loving the influx of animal loving happening on the DIY front at the moment. There are some absolutely wonderful DIY ideas you can do from using a little spray paint and plastic animals from the $1 stores! From push pins to cake toppers, it just takes a little imagination to turn these into something cool for the home, office or food!

These babies make brilliant little Secret Santa gifts too, perfect for animal or dinosaur loving friends!. Just grab yourself some spray paint from Bunnings (and why not make it fancy and get some gold ones!) and paint the plastic animals. Or why not grab a few different acrylic paint tubes and paint all different designs and colours for a more eclectic and bohemian feel, like these beautiful guys below (from this Pinterest pin). Get more plastic fantastic inspiration here!

Megan Isobel from Youtube has a brilliant DIY as inspired by this Anthropologie product. Such a simple DIY and a great little addition to your organisation board!
Roarrrrr! Happy Crafting!

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