Ulta3's Black Plum & Sportsgirl's All That Glitters
Removing glitter nail polishes are a biiiiiiiiiitch.
And being that glitter nail polishes are all the rage at the moment, it has come to my attention that the removal of these nail polishes can be one of the worst things. Where the colour easily wipes off but leaves chunks and clusters of glitter behind on your nail where sometime your only solution can be to scratch and pick them off with something pointy.
But that gives the heeby jeebies. I can just feel my nail bed being ruined with every scratch and pick. *Shudder* So I am here with you today to show just how easily those bastard glitter polishes can be removed.
This method is so full proof, it works on glitter nail polishes fine and rough as well as glitter over polishes too.
• Cotton Pads
• Al-foil (Strips)
• Scicors
• Nail Polish Remover
1. Start by cutting your cotton pads into moon shaped halves and your Al-foil into strips (enough to fit all ten fingers).

2. Then you want to soak your cotton pad halves completely in nail polish remover. You can do this one by one, or I prefer to do them in batches getting them ready for the next step.

3. Place the soaked cotton pad half on your fingers and then wrap the Al-foil strips over the pad, making sure its tight and hold pressure against the nail. Repeat this till you have covered all your nails.

4. Leave covered for 2-3 minutes, then really push and wriggle off the Al-foil/cotton pad cover your nail. And you should see that the glitter easily just wipes off. If not, then place the Al-foil/cotton pad cover/helmet on the nail again and do another wriggle-push motion over the nail.

And there you go, super simple and easy using products that you already have at home :) Hope this came in handy!
- xoxo -

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