I look out and its cloudy, cool and looking like its about to pour down torrentially.
And I think my picks for this week's NewMusicMonday is quite appropriate to the weather.
If you don't dig indie and floaty tunes, than unfortunately (no seriously, unfortunate for you) today's post is not for you. But on the other hand if you are open to new sounds, some that take repeat listening and you are ready to be taken on a airy journey, than today's music picks are perfecto. All except for Hoodie Allen & the Chiddy Bang pick ;) You gotta get some more energy rising tracks to get your out of the rain funk.
So enjoy.
Lets be honest, UNOUOMEDUDE 's Island Summer is pretty catchy. And so is his artist name - UNOUOMEDUDE pron; You Know You Owe Me Dude. Haha, I like it. Actually if you're digging the idie low-fi vibe, then definitely would urge you to check out the rest of his songs over at his Facebook Page, my other favourite of his is Buildings :) "Your hair smells like lemons..."
Its pretty deep/dark, depending on how you see a glass of milk. But Youth Lagoon's track July is so uber pretty. Its very chill. It reminds me a little of James Blake but less synth machine. Youth Lagoon is one dude and his music room hailing from Boise, Indiana (yeah, I have no clue either). But you don't need to know his geography to appreciate a bit of Youth Lagoon Lovin.
I've always been a fan of Chiddy, but I do think his last album was a little more "miss" than "hit". But judging from this single, his new album is set to pretty amazing. So I am very excited. This song really takes me back to like early 2000s - I imagine bright pop bubblegum like video clip to go with the track :) And come one, how can you not love the horns in the chorus...
"Fraaaan - Coooooo... Fraaaaan - Cooooo"
This song is just a little too infectious. With Hoodie Allen sampling two different songs in various parts of the song, its kind of a perfect track to set off the light airy music above. And the James Franco grab at the end of the track is HILARIOUS. Hoodie Allen is a huge Youtube sensations as he has some pretty funny video clips to go with this equally funny music. So if you're stuck inside shielding from the rain, then I suggest boarding the Youtube train :)
^^^^ Hahah, I didn't plan to have the last two tracks to be names after other celebrities.
And thats all for this week people.
I mainly focused on more DIY and Fashion stuff this weekend, so I am a little dry in the music dept - so if you have any suggestions, please please please keep em coming over at the FACEBOOK PAGE :)
Have a good week!
And I think my picks for this week's NewMusicMonday is quite appropriate to the weather.
If you don't dig indie and floaty tunes, than unfortunately (no seriously, unfortunate for you) today's post is not for you. But on the other hand if you are open to new sounds, some that take repeat listening and you are ready to be taken on a airy journey, than today's music picks are perfecto. All except for Hoodie Allen & the Chiddy Bang pick ;) You gotta get some more energy rising tracks to get your out of the rain funk.
So enjoy.
Lets be honest, UNOUOMEDUDE 's Island Summer is pretty catchy. And so is his artist name - UNOUOMEDUDE pron; You Know You Owe Me Dude. Haha, I like it. Actually if you're digging the idie low-fi vibe, then definitely would urge you to check out the rest of his songs over at his Facebook Page, my other favourite of his is Buildings :) "Your hair smells like lemons..."
Its pretty deep/dark, depending on how you see a glass of milk. But Youth Lagoon's track July is so uber pretty. Its very chill. It reminds me a little of James Blake but less synth machine. Youth Lagoon is one dude and his music room hailing from Boise, Indiana (yeah, I have no clue either). But you don't need to know his geography to appreciate a bit of Youth Lagoon Lovin.
I've always been a fan of Chiddy, but I do think his last album was a little more "miss" than "hit". But judging from this single, his new album is set to pretty amazing. So I am very excited. This song really takes me back to like early 2000s - I imagine bright pop bubblegum like video clip to go with the track :) And come one, how can you not love the horns in the chorus...
"Fraaaan - Coooooo... Fraaaaan - Cooooo"
This song is just a little too infectious. With Hoodie Allen sampling two different songs in various parts of the song, its kind of a perfect track to set off the light airy music above. And the James Franco grab at the end of the track is HILARIOUS. Hoodie Allen is a huge Youtube sensations as he has some pretty funny video clips to go with this equally funny music. So if you're stuck inside shielding from the rain, then I suggest boarding the Youtube train :)
^^^^ Hahah, I didn't plan to have the last two tracks to be names after other celebrities.
And thats all for this week people.
I mainly focused on more DIY and Fashion stuff this weekend, so I am a little dry in the music dept - so if you have any suggestions, please please please keep em coming over at the FACEBOOK PAGE :)
Have a good week!